72 bottles 0.25 lt. - Extra Virgin Olive Oil - Personalized wedding favors

72 bottles 0.25 lt. - Extra Virgin Olive Oil with personalized label - Personalized wedding favors - original idea wedding favors

  • 72 Bottles
  • 0.25 lt.
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Umbria
  • Weddings
If what you're missing is an unconventional idea for your wedding favors, you're in the right place! Here on Bottle-Up, in fact, ideas are certainly not lacking and there really is something for all tastes, even for those who, perhaps like you, are looking for so-called useful favors. In this case, focusing on gastronomic wedding favors is certainly the right thing and if, later, in your search, you come across our personalized bottles of extra virgin olive oil, you will understand in a flash that you absolutely cannot let them escape. Specifically, these are 72 bottles of 0.25 liters of 100% Italian extra virgin olive oil, produced with the cold processing method, obtained from hand-picked olives and bottled in their raw state, inviting in terms of density, color and distinct fruity aroma . With a raw material like this, you understand well, that you can only make a great impression! The extra quid will then be given by personalized bottles, on whose labels you can add your name and that of your better half, as well as your wedding date: trust me, no detail will go unnoticed! So don't delay any longer: this is the perfect idea for your party favours! Useful, but also original favours, which will be highly appreciated by all your guests. Ordering them, then, is very simple: just have fun customizing the labels and, later, proceed with the order; in a few days you will receive the personalized bottles directly to your home... isn't it fantastic? Leave your guests speechless with an idea like this for your wedding favors; choose our useful wedding favors and you won't regret it!

72 bottles 0.25 lt. - Extra Virgin Olive Oil - Oleificio Toscano Morettini
TYPE: extra virgin olive oil 100% Italian
SIZE: 0.25 lt. (X 72 bottles)
Produced with the method of cold processing, is obtained from olives harvested by hand during the month of November and pressed within 24 hours of collection. Bottled in its raw state, it is distinguished by its density, color and pleasant fruity aroma.
  • Vintage: 2022
  • Compositioon: Blend

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