72 bottles 0.25 lt. - Lemon Flavored Olive Oil - Personalized wedding favors

72 bottles 0.25 lt. - Lemon Flavored Olive Oil with Personalized Label - Personalized wedding favors - original idea wedding favors

The preparations for your wedding are going swimmingly but with your wedding favours you still feel like you're in over your head? No problem, Bottle-Up has just the thing for you: a wide range of original wedding favours that will instantly win over your guests. It is easy to fall into the usual clichés when it comes to wedding favours, but at Bottl-Up you will find countless ideas. Among them, for example, gastronomic favours are always very successful. In particular, lemon-flavoured olive oil wedding favours are certainly among the most popular. These are truly original wedding favours; 72 bottles of 0.25 litres each of 100% Italian extra virgin olive oil, made even more inviting by a lemon flavouring. Produced using natural techniques designed to maintain its organoleptic characteristics, this oil stands out for its colour and density and will make your wedding favours a super welcome gift. Bottle-Up's olive oil wedding favours are, moreover, customisable; you can, in fact, make the labels truly unique by adding photos, illustrations, the date of your special day or a few words of thanks reserved for your guests. With wedding favours like this, then, success is more than certain; your guests will appreciate both the high quality of the product and the attention spent on personalisation. Your original wedding favours will not risk ending up in oblivion, along with all the others, and the oil will, with each use, rekindle in your guests the memory of your wedding. So don't wait any longer; choose your favours and bet on Bottle-Up's olive oil favours: a good impression is assured!

72 bottles 0.25 lt. - Lemon flavoured olive oil - Oleificio Toscano Morettini
TYPE: seasoning made of 100% italian extra virgin olive oil and lemon
SIZE: 0.25 lt. (X 72 bottles)
Elaborated with natural production techniques in order to maintain unchanged the organoleptic characteristics of the fruit. It stands out for its density, color and pleasant lemon flavor.

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